Saturday, November 1, 2008

Rilian & Corin Hospital

Saturday morning I checked on the girls who were very quite and working very hard on something. Here is what they showed me.... All their Webkinz were sick so they had the essentials.... pillow, blanket, DVD, remote control, and the thermometer! I love the way they play especially when they play so nice together (bloggable moments:) Then the tragedy occurred. Corin had a cut on the top of her toe. Rilian told me she could take care of it, so I let her. She found the bandaids and applied it correctly and then rigged up a gadget so that Corin could carry her foot and be able to walk.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Oh, this so reminds me of a scene from my house...Jadyn and all her blankets and babies spread everywhere and Ethan and his ingenious solutions to solve her problems....